Round 1 (Sat, November 4)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (72)
Alex Bryan
Amanda Thrasher
Andrew Mcclary
Andrew Pillon
Andy Leblang
Bob Mann
Bob Mugridge
Brandon Vadovic
Brendan Mcclary
Brendan Vido
Brendan Wallace
Brian Kozanecki
Calvin Kupeyan
Chris Imeson
Chris Williams
Dan Tonch
Dane Isliceleft
Dane Rife
Danielle Lofthouse
Darren Grey
Don Lassaline
Dorian Grey
Drew Mercer
Drew Ramsden
Frankie Angione
Gavin MacDougall
Geraint Bryden
Guest Guest
Jason Mcquoid
Johnny Bombbbs
Justin Bondy
Karl Kella
Keane Bondy
Kyle Fokens
Kyle Mollard
Lee Bigaouette
Liam MacDougall
Lisette Lassaline
Louise Mailloux
Mark Dehurst
Micheal Berlingieri
Mike Moran
Mike TBA
Mike Virk
Mike Wallace
Moe Mailloux
MR Fiddler
Muizz Rahman
Nathan Bracken
Nick Chernish
Nick Tanovich
Noah Bushnell
Nolan Goyette
Paul Amato
Paul Hyde
Peter Zuiderveen
RealDEAL Pecile
Ricky Pelchat
Risto Angelidis
Rusty Johnston
Ryan O'Moore
Sam Thrasher
Scott Despins
Steve Hill
Tom Muldoon
Travis Campbell
Troy Lofthouse
Tyler Driedger
Wes Dewhurst