AT THIS TIME LEAGUE REGISTRATION IS ONLY OPEN TO THOSE MEMBERS THAT PLAYED LAST SEASON. Anyone looking at being added to the waitlist please send me an email @



2025 LEAGUE FEE: $140

2025 Men’s League Registration Store Link: 2025 League Registration (

All skins and closest to the pins will again be mandatory and built into the league registration fee for this season.

Last season all but 2 players were not awarded any money back at the end of the season.  Two season long flights will be created, and players will remain in one of two flights all season long for both skins and closest to the pins.

The breakdown for the league fee is as follows:

Golf Genius Scoring and League Payouts: $70.00

Skins: $35.00

Closest to the Pin: $35.00

LEAGUE FEES COVER: Golf Genius online league scoring and all payouts.

GOLF FEES: Non-members can purchase multi-round player cards from Rochester Place or pay as you play. (see link below)




  • First day of the Season is Wednesday April 30th  2025
  • Playoffs will run on Sept 3rd,  September 10th; Playoff Finals will be on Wednesday, September 17th, 2025
  • 14 teams will be made with 8 players each by the committee for a total of 112 players.
  • Scoring is done each week, taking the best 5 of the 8 team member’s NET scores.
  • The Committee can adjust rookie’s handicaps after three weeks of league play and rookies will not be eligible for skins for the first three weeks, until a league handicap is created.
  • Final League event will be on Sunday, September 14th, 2025, 1:30PM shotgun.
  • Weekly draws for Triple bogey prize packs will be drawn and given out.
  • All teams will be selected by the committee based on league handicaps.
  • If you are 60 and over, you will have the option to use the yellow tees but must advise prior to play.
  • Rochester Place Members will continue with 10-day advance booking. All men’s league members will receive 8-day priority booking starting at 7AM----NEW. For men’s league members, click on “public” on the online booking platform and not leagues when booking tee times. The public will remain at 7 days for bookings.
  • For Men’s league sponsorship opportunities starting at $250 please contact Kevin @
  • For all League Packages & League Fees see the following link 2025 League Registration (


Thanks to the Men’s League committee members: Bill Bailey, Chris Marentette Jr. and Dylan Margerison. Anyone looking at volunteering to be part of the committee please let me know.


Lastly, if you do or ever need any golf clubs or merchandise, keep in mind we will beat or price match any regular priced competitors item.


Looking forward to a great season. Yours in golf,

