2024 Mens league , Team Standings
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Teams | Team Points | Team Participation Points | Total Points | Total Purse | Team Members |
Vadovic + Parent + Freele + Ryan + Vaux + Smith + Gabriele + Boutette | 62.00 | 0.00 | 62.00 | $ 0.00 | Scott Boutette | Austin Parent | Brandon Freele | Brandon Vadovic | David Gabriele | Don Vaux | Jack... |
Mugridge + Weir + Marentette Jr + Malenfant + Matton + Sawyer + Lantin + Stirling | 138.50 | 0.00 | 138.50 | $ 15.00 | Brad Malenfant | Brad Stirling | Chris Marentette Jr | George Matton | Kenneth Sawyer | Mike Weir | Mo... |
Gray + Stahlbrand + Barrette + Pitre + McDonald + Hartfield + Campeau + Dorner | 141.00 | 0.00 | 141.00 | $ 22.50 | Brad Hartfield | Brad Pitre | Gary Campeau | Kevin Gray | Lee McDonald | Matt Stahlbrand | Matthew ... |
LaRue + LaRue + Landry + Lutsch + Breault + Hartley + Bedard + Augustus | 124.00 | 0.00 | 124.00 | $ 22.50 | Brandon Landry | Brian Lutsch | John Augustus | Joshua Bedard | Kyle Hartley | Mark Breault | Stephe... |
Duke + Rivait + St. Pierre + Barrette + Lemire + LoDuca + Levasseaur + Boutet | 158.50 | 0.00 | 158.50 | $ 25.00 | Brad Boutet | David Duke | Justin St. Pierre | Ken Barrette | Kevin Rivait | Patrick LoDuca | Richard ... |
Crowley + Thibert + Leslie + Straub + Tofflemire + Gagnier + Grondin + Thoms | 109.50 | 0.00 | 109.50 | $ 10.00 | Andrew Thoms | Derek Leslie | Evan Tofflemire | Gary Grondin | Ken Crowley | Mike Gagnier | Ryan Th... |
LaRue + Girard + Byrne + Blais + Nickels + Reneau + Danyluk + Munro | 168.00 | 0.00 | 168.00 | $ 30.00 | Beau Blais | Chris Girard | Eric LaRue | Greg Nickels | Jeff Danyluk | Kevin Byrne | Rodney Munro | ... |
Bailey + Mancinone + Pitre + Adams + Margerison + Campeau + Lauzon + Eren | 180.00 | 0.00 | 180.00 | $ 44.17 | Andrew Adams | Bill Bailey | Cary Mancinone | Denis Lauzon | Dylan Margerison | Mike Pitre | Oz Er... |
Humphrey + Bondy + Langlois + Dumeah + Morin + Bowman + Gendreau + Talbot | 111.00 | 0.00 | 111.00 | $ 1.67 | Daniel Bowman | David Talbot | Devin Humphrey | Gary Langlois | Marcel Morin | Pat Dumeah | Paul Bondy ... |
Bellemore + Ghanam + Bulley + Johnson + Mailloux + Lescombe + Ozoglu + Osborne | 134.00 | 0.00 | 134.00 | $ 5.00 | Brian Ghanam | Dave Bellemore | John Bulley | Mark Johnson | Moe Mailloux | Serkan Ozoglu | Todd Lesco... |
Malenfant + Tracey + Little + Therrien + Dunn + Profit + Otton + Marentette Sr | 138.00 | 0.00 | 138.00 | $ 21.67 | Brett Profit | Chris Marentette Sr | Ernie Little | Guy Therrien | Josh Tracey | Mike Dunn | Rob Ot... |
Fick + Unholzer + Morand + Leboeuf + Pitre + Gould + Thibert + Prince | 76.00 | 0.00 | 76.00 | $ 5.00 | Al Leboeuf | Bryon Unholzer | Evan Prince | Phil Thibert | Robert Pitre | Roger Gould | Scott Fick |... |
Pillon + Lejeune + Parent + Amato + Bezaire + Benedet + Bedard + Cazabon | 130.00 | 0.00 | 130.00 | $ 22.50 | Andrew Pillon | Brandon Bedard | Jared Lejeune | Jules Cazabon | Leo Benedet | Paul Amato | Steven ... |
Pursel + Gibb + Pineault + Burrell + Smit + Ruston + Pouliot + Forster-Sands | 198.50 | 0.00 | 198.50 | $ 45.00 | Clinton Smit | Derek Gibb | Ian Ruston | Martin Forster-Sands | Max Pineault | Mike Burrell | Robert Pu... |
Brandon Vadovic + Austin Parent + Brandon Freele + Jack Ryan + Don Vaux + Jay Smith | 23.00 | 0.00 | 23.00 | $ 0.00 | Scott Boutette | Austin Parent | Brandon Freele | Brandon Vadovic | David Gabriele | Don Vaux | Jack... |
Robert Mugridge + Mike Weir + Chris Marentette Jr + Brad Stirling + Brad Malenfant + George Matton | 25.50 | 0.00 | 25.50 | $ 0.00 | Brad Malenfant | Brad Stirling | Chris Marentette Jr | George Matton | Kenneth Sawyer | Mike Weir | Mo... |
Kevin Gray + Matt Stahlbrand + Matthew Barrette + Brad Pitre + Lee McDonald + Brad Hartfield | 23.50 | 0.00 | 23.50 | $ 0.00 | Brad Hartfield | Brad Pitre | Gary Campeau | Kevin Gray | Lee McDonald | Matt Stahlbrand | Matthew ... |
Stephen LaRue + Trevor LaRue + Brandon Landry + Brian Lutsch + Mark Breault + Kyle Hartley | 27.50 | 0.00 | 27.50 | $ 7.50 | Brandon Landry | Brian Lutsch | John Augustus | Joshua Bedard | Kyle Hartley | Mark Breault | Stephe... |
David Duke + Kevin Rivait + Justin St. Pierre + Ken Barrette + Tom Lemire + Patrick LoDuca | 17.00 | 0.00 | 17.00 | $ 0.00 | Brad Boutet | David Duke | Justin St. Pierre | Ken Barrette | Kevin Rivait | Patrick LoDuca | Richard ... |
Eric LaRue + Chris Girard + Kevin Byrne + Beau Blais + Greg Nickels + Tyler Reneau | 24.50 | 0.00 | 24.50 | $ 7.50 | Beau Blais | Chris Girard | Eric LaRue | Greg Nickels | Jeff Danyluk | Kevin Byrne | Rodney Munro | ... |
Ken Crowley + Ryan Thibert + Jason Zimney + Derek Leslie + Shawn Straub + Evan Tofflemire | 9.00 | 0.00 | 9.00 | $ 0.00 | Derek Leslie | Evan Tofflemire | Gary Grondin | Jason Zimney | Ken Crowley | Mike Gagnier | Ryan ... |
Bill Bailey + Cary Mancinone + Mike Pitre + Andrew Adams + Dylan Margerison + Wes Campeau | 23.00 | 0.00 | 23.00 | $ 0.00 | Andrew Adams | Bill Bailey | Cary Mancinone | Denis Lauzon | Dylan Margerison | Mike Pitre | Oz Er... |
Devin Humphrey + Paul Bondy + Gary Langlois + Pat Dumeah + Marcel Morin + Daniel Bowman | 25.00 | 0.00 | 25.00 | $ 7.50 | Daniel Bowman | David Talbot | Devin Humphrey | Gary Langlois | Marcel Morin | Pat Dumeah | Paul Bondy ... |
Dave Bellemore + Brian Ghanam + John Bulley + Mark Johnson + Moe Mailloux + Todd Lescombe | 21.00 | 0.00 | 21.00 | $ 0.00 | Brian Ghanam | Dave Bellemore | John Bulley | Mark Johnson | Moe Mailloux | Serkan Ozoglu | Todd Lesco... |
Ryan Malenfant + Josh Tracey + Ernie Little + Guy Therrien + Mike Dunn + Brett Profit | 21.50 | 0.00 | 21.50 | $ 7.50 | Brett Profit | Chris Marentette Sr | Ernie Little | Guy Therrien | Josh Tracey | Mike Dunn | Rob Ot... |
Scott Fick + Bryon Unholzer + Wes Morand + Al Leboeuf + Robert Pitre + Roger Gould | 17.00 | 0.00 | 17.00 | $ 0.00 | Al Leboeuf | Bryon Unholzer | Evan Prince | Phil Thibert | Robert Pitre | Roger Gould | Scott Fick |... |
Andrew Pillon + Jared Lejeune + Wayne Parent + Paul Amato + Steven Bezaire + Leo Benedet | 23.50 | 0.00 | 23.50 | $ 0.00 | Andrew Pillon | Brandon Bedard | Jared Lejeune | Jules Cazabon | Leo Benedet | Paul Amato | Steven ... |
Robert Pursel + Derek Gibb + Max Pineault + Mike Burrell + Clinton Smit + Ian Ruston | 19.00 | 0.00 | 19.00 | $ 0.00 | Clinton Smit | Derek Gibb | Ian Ruston | Martin Forster-Sands | Max Pineault | Mike Burrell | Robert Pu... | Totals: | 2,169.00 | 0.00 | 2,169.00 | $ 300.01 |